Thailand Sticker Visa

From Rs - 4500

Documents Required :

  • A valid passport with a minimum validity for 6 months at least 2 blank pages.
  • 02 Recent Copy Photographs: Colour photographs, Not older than 3 months ,
  • Size 3.5x4.5 cm,80% face White background,Dark coloured clothes.
  • Confirmed Hotel voucher ( In the name of all Pax as per passport) Confirm Ticket copy .
  • Last 6 months Original Bank Statement (on separate pages) with stamp and signature (minimum balance of Rs 70,000/- per pax.) if Balance is not properly maintain them FD certificate required with stamp and signature.
  • Occupation proof (Email id, Contact no)
  • Medical insurance: at the time of travel

Important Notes: 

• Visa Fees, Document Checklist, and application processing time are subject to change without any prior notice.

• Fees are non-refundable once the application is applied/processed to the Consular Office/Immigration/Embassy under any circumstances. Fees may vary depending on the fluctuation of the Rate of Exchange (ROE).

• The decision to grant or refuse a visa is the sole prerogative of the Consular Office / Immigration / Embassy. Ease My Vacations does not have any influence on the same.

• Upon receiving the visa copy, we request you to thoroughly recheck and confirm the details mentioned on the visa copy with that of the passport and revert in case of a discrepancy within 24 hours of receipt.

• An approved visa does not guarantee permission to enter/exit the Destination Country or India, as it is the sole discretion of the Immigration Officer.