Azerbaijan Tourist E-visa

From Rs - 3500

Documents Required: 
1.            Bio Page and address page of a valid passport.
2.            What is current Occupation of applicant.
3.            Applicant’s Contact number.
4.            Address and phone number in Azerbaijan
5.            Air ticket
6.            Last visit to Azerbaijan (If yes, reason)
Minimum 2 to 3 working days or more. (Normal process) Minimum 1 working days or more. (Urgent process) 


  • All documentation must be clearly scanned, with the use of a scanner only. (Preview scan all documentation, then crop each image, and then scan.)
  • All documentation must be scanned in full colour.
  • All documentation must be scanned from the original documents only.
  • Photo copied documentation are not acceptable, and will be rejected.

Important Notes: 

• Visa Fees, Document Checklist, and application processing time are subject to change without any prior notice.

• Fees are non-refundable once the application is applied/processed to the Consular Office/Immigration/Embassy under any circumstances. Fees may vary depending on the fluctuation of the Rate of Exchange (ROE).

• The decision to grant or refuse a visa is the sole prerogative of the Consular Office / Immigration / Embassy. Ease My Vacations does not have any influence on the same.

• Upon receiving the visa copy, we request you to thoroughly recheck and confirm the details mentioned on the visa copy with that of the passport and revert in case of a discrepancy within 24 hours of receipt.

• An approved visa does not guarantee permission to enter/exit the Destination Country or India, as it is the sole discretion of the Immigration Officer.